James Adams

Based on a story by Iain Boulton, this joint production focuses on a mercenary/blunt-instrument named Hunter who is charged with the extraction of a valuable hostage.

The script was written over several weeks in the summer of 2007 by Iain Boulton, Oliver Kew, Sam Lewthwaite and myself.

This time we got our hands on two JVC GY-HD100U which helped speed filming along and reduced the risk of not missing some of the trickier takes. We shot the film in HDV 720p at 25fps and the results the cameras produced were stunning. They really do an amazing job of making affortable digital look like film.

A still from Hunter, a man lies dead on his back, Hunter looming over him

I picked up the role of Director of Photography, which essentially was a fancy name for cameraman and sound guy. Oliver showed cunning and bravery in the face of seemingly insumountable odds as our producer and Iain gave a good performance as the director. Sam got bored with the process of film-making and left us to it.

A still from Hunter, Hunter stops in a doorway.